6809 FLEX Plus 10TM
(This page is still under construction.)
(Currently in development)
6809 FLEX Plus 10TM is an enhanced version of
TSC 6809 FLEX v3.02 created by Sardis Technologies. Its core and the
driver executive can be used in most 6809
systems, while the driver package is specific to the
ST-2900 system from Sardis Technologies.
6809 FLEX Plus 10TM currently consists of 3 components:
6809 FLEX Plus 10TM Core
- supports 10 drives (0..9) instead of only four (0..3)
- supports adding time of file creation to all new directory entries
(optional -- requires a timer or clock chip and matching driver)
- can replace the existing FLEX.COR file in most 6809 systems
- FLEX.COR still fits into its original address ranges of $C000-$CCBF,
$CCF8-$D36F, $D3FD-$DDFF, so should be compatible with most existing
console drivers and disk drivers
- includes the NEW-COR.CMD program that lets you quickly and easily replace
the old FLEX.COR code in your existing FLEX.SYS file with new 6809 FLEX Plus 10
code, while retaining your existing console driver and disk driver code
- includes the BINCOPY.CMD program that lets you separate FLEX.SYS into
FLEX.COR and the drivers (for console and disk)
- includes the KWIKLOAD.CMD program that installs a faster replacement for
the FLEX LOAD ($CD30) routine, speeding up program loads from RAM-Disks by up
to 8x!
- includes a sample disk driver for a tiny RAM-Disk that occupies some RAM
below MEMEND, that can be installed as drive 9, and shows how to implement
a driver for drives 4..9 without using the new Driver Executive
- includes a sample program to implement
time of file creation, that you can modify
for your particular system configuration
- includes new versions of several existing commands, modified to support
10 drives, properly handle dates after 1999,
and display file creation times
- FLEX.COR is based mostly on original genuine TSC source code for 6809
FLEX v3.02 as found in the FLEX-4-UniFLEX archives, not on poorly commented
- all source code files are supplied, both for the new improved version,
as well as for the original unmodified TSC FLEX source code
6809 FLEX Plus 10TM Driver Executive
- can be used on most 6809 FLEX systems, but requires disk drivers
to be modified
- allows drivers and physical drives to be associated with any of the 10 FLEX logical
drive numbers (0..9)
- includes the SYSGEN.CMD program that creates new FLEX.SYS boot files; it
allows selecting which drivers and drives to include, and which FLEX logical drive
number to assign to each physical drive
- includes the DRVSHOW.CMD program to display details of installed drivers and drives,
and the DRVSET.CMD program to change some settings
- includes a driver for a small RAM-Disk that uses a portion of user memory to
implement up to 10 virtual drives for testing purposes
- source code files are included
6809 FLEX Plus 10TM Driver Package for the ST-2900
- greatly improved from the original set of drivers supplied in the September 1984
version of the ST-2900 FLEX Conversion Package
- uses the new Driver Executive
- new CLOCK module supplies a software real-time-clock (RTC) that increments at 100Hz,
using interrupts from the 6522/VIA Timer 1 on the FDC
- new driver for the ST-2900 NVRAM/RTC
board for NVSRAM-Disk, EEPROM-Disk, and RTC
- new driver for DSKdrv/DSKserv (similar function as DriveWire or FLEXnet) to
access up to four virtual disk images (.DSK files) on a Windows host computer,
using DUART port B @ 115200 bps
- modified and improved drivers for floppy disk controller, and for
RAM-512 board
- all source code files are included
"FLEX" was a trademark of Technical System Consultants (TSC).
"6809 FLEX Plus 10" is a trademark of David C. Wiens, dba Sardis Technologies.
Last revised 2024-May-24 10:06 PDT.
Copyright 2018- David C. Wiens.
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