Sardis Technologies RTC-2417 Real-Time Clock Board

(This page is still under construction.)

NEW!  (Currently in design stage)

The RTC-2417 board is a tiny expansion board that connects to the ST-2900 CPU board (or other systems) to provide a battery-backed-up real-time clock (RTC) function. It can also be used as a general purpose breakout board for the DS2417 RTC chip.

RTC-2417 board features:

The Maxim/Dallas DS2417 uses a 1-Wire interface, typically implemented with one bidirectional I/O pin on a host microcontroller. It can also use separate output and input pins, such as from spare pins on the 2681/DUART on the ST-2900 CPU board, if the optional N-FET is installed on the RTC-2417 board.

Another way to add a real-time clock to the ST-2900 will be with the new NVRAM/RTC board.

(Click on a picture for a larger version.)

icon to link to image of top of bare RTC-2417 board design
Tentative board layout.

"FLEX" was a trademark of Technical System Consultants (TSC).
"OS-9" is a registered trademark of Microware LP.
"1-Wire" is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated.

Last revised 2024-Apr-03 22:06 PDT.
Copyright 2020- David C. Wiens.

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