Sardis Technologies ST-2900 Centronics Parallel Printer Driver (CNT-1)

The ST-2900 Centronics Parallel Printer Driver (CNT-1) is an expansion board that plugs into the ST-2900 FDC board to buffer the signals sent down the cable to a printer with a Centronics parallel port, and to provide an appropriate printer cable connector.

Centronics Parallel Printer Driver (CNT-1) features:

I had one single-sided prototype PCB made, and assembled it. Unfortunately I never got around to putting it into production.

As far as I can tell from looking at the source code, the software drivers are:

(Click on a picture for a larger version.)

icon to link to photo of bottom of assembled CNT-1 board icon to link to photo of top of assembled CNT-1 board icon to link to photo of angled view of top of assembled CNT-1 board
Pictures of assembled board (382-579KB .jpg).

icon to link to CNT-1 schematics, component layout, connectors/cables drawing ST-2900 Centronics Parallel Printer Driver (CNT-1) board schematics, component layout, and connectors/cables drawing.
(1.58MB .pdf)

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Last revised 2024-Apr-03 22:09 PDT.
Copyright 2018- David C. Wiens.

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