(This page is still under construction.)
NitrOS-9 is a very powerful multi-user, multi-tasking operating system, yet easily runs on a 64KB ST-2900. NitrOS-9 was derived from the Microware OS-9/6809 operating system that was created in 1979. While Microware no longer supports OS-9/6809, NitrOS-9 is currently in active development, and is free and open source software.
The ST-2900 NitrOS-9/6809 Level 1 Package includes a disk image for a boot disk that is already pre-configured for the ST-2900. The ST-2900 version is being added to the NitrOS-9 build system. Also, each module is supplied on our disk as a separate binary file, with source code, to make it easy to customize the OS9Kernel and OS9Boot files.
NitrOS-9/6809 was initially ported to the ST-2900 in 2019-June.
ST-2900 NitrOS-9/6809 Level 1 Package features:
ST-2900 NitrOS-9/6809 Level 1 Package User's Manual. (not available yet) (??KB .pdf) |
Bootable DSK image (35T/SS/DD CoCo OS-9 format) of ST-2900 NitrOS-9/6809 Level 1
Package, with source code. (not available yet) (??KB .zip) |
"FLEX" was a trademark of Technical System Consultants (TSC).
"OS-9" is a registered trademark of Microware LP.
"Radio Shack" and "Color Computer" are trademarks of Tandy Corp.
"MS-DOS" is a trademark of Microsoft Corp.
Last revised 2024-Apr-03 22:39 PDT.
Copyright 2019- David C. Wiens.