Sardis Technologies ST-2900 FDC Board
(This page is still under construction.)
The ST-2900 FDC board is an expansion board that plugs into the
ST-2900 CPU board to provide parallel ports
and a floppy disk controller.
The parallel ports can also connect to other adapter boards to provide
additional functionality.
FDC board features:
- disk controller:
- Western Digital
floppy disk controller chip
- SMsC
FDC9229T/BT (p. 497) digital data separator -- no adjustments required
- selectable write precompensation
- single/double density (FM/MFM), single/double sided
- supports 4 drives (5¼" or 3½")
- parallel ports:
- MOS Technology
6522 VIA chip
- two 8-bit parallel ports, each with 2 control lines
- two 16-bit counter/timers
- 8-bit shift register (in/out)
- large prototyping area
- 60-pin connector plugs into CPU or
RAM-512 boards
- only 3.9" x 6.3" (100mm x 160mm), 2-layer board with soldermask and silkscreen
(Click on a picture for a larger version.)
Pictures of bare FDC boards. (801-837KB .jpg) |
Pictures of assembled FDC boards. (540-1029KB .jpg) |
ST-2900 FDC Assembly Instructions and User's Manual.
(4.3MB .pdf scanned image) |
Other notes for the ST-2900 FDC board. Includes addendum
and errata to the manual, etc.
(not available yet)
(??KB .pdf scanned image) |
Centronics Parallel Printer Driver board that connects to one of
the FDC board's parallel ports. |
SASI hard disk drive adapter board that connects to the
FDC board's two parallel ports. |
SCSI hard disk drive adapter board that installs into the
FDC board's prototyping area. |

NVRAM/RTC adapter board (non-volatile 1MB SRAM-Disk, 1MB EEPROM-Disk,
real-time clock) that plugs into the FDC board's parallel port P2. |
"FLEX" was a trademark of Technical System Consultants (TSC).
"OS-9" is a registered trademark of Microware LP.
Last revised 2024-Apr-07 12:41 PDT.
Copyright 2018- David C. Wiens.
ST-2900 System
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