Sardis Technologies ST-2900 FDC Board

Sardis TechnologiesFDC board

(This page is still under construction.)

The ST-2900 FDC board is an expansion board that plugs into the ST-2900 CPU board to provide parallel ports and a floppy disk controller.

The parallel ports can also connect to other adapter boards to provide additional functionality.

FDC board features:

(Click on a picture for a larger version.)

icon to link to photo of top of FDC bare board icon to link to photo of bottom of FDC bare board
Pictures of bare FDC boards. (801-837KB .jpg)
icon to link to B&W photo of top of assembled FDC board icon to link to B&W photo of angled view of top of assembled FDC board icon to link to color photo of top of assembled FDC board icon to link to color photo of angled view of top of assembled FDC board
Pictures of assembled FDC boards. (540-1029KB .jpg)

icon to link to FDC Assembly Instructions and User Manual ST-2900 FDC Assembly Instructions and User's Manual.
(4.3MB .pdf scanned image)
icon to link to additional notes for FDC board -- not available yet Other notes for the ST-2900 FDC board. Includes addendum and errata to the manual, etc.
(not available yet)
(??KB .pdf scanned image)
icon to link to Printer Driver page Centronics Parallel Printer Driver board that connects to one of the FDC board's parallel ports.
icon to link to SASI page SASI hard disk drive adapter board that connects to the FDC board's two parallel ports.
icon to link to SCSI page SCSI hard disk drive adapter board that installs into the FDC board's prototyping area.
icon to link to NVRAM/RTC page NEW!
NVRAM/RTC adapter board (non-volatile 1MB SRAM-Disk, 1MB EEPROM-Disk, real-time clock) that plugs into the FDC board's parallel port P2.

"FLEX" was a trademark of Technical System Consultants (TSC).
"OS-9" is a registered trademark of Microware LP.

Last revised 2024-Apr-07 12:41 PDT.
Copyright 2018- David C. Wiens.

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