- One of the smallest recording altimeters
- Tiny: 0.45" x 1.00" (11.4 x 25.4mm)
- Only weighs 2.8g (with battery)
- Fits into 13mm tubes
- Bright red LED
- Firmware is field upgradeable by user
- Can be used in model rockets, weather
balloons, kites, model airplanes, etc.
- Measures up to 100,000 ft. (30.5km) MSL
- Resolution is 8" (20cm) at sea level
- Very low power: 150µA (average) @ 3V
(depends on sample rate)
- Uses readily available CR1220 coin cell
(in battery holder on bottom side)
- Records air pressure and temperature
- Data compression to increase recording
capacity (typically 2500 samples)
- User selectable startup delay, launch detect
altitude, sample rate, etc.
- Recorded data is non-volatile, and only erased
when explicitly requested (not from accidental
loss of power due to intermittent connection)
- Contest directors will appreciate the tamper-
resistant downloaded data file that includes
byte-for-byte verification of the firmware version
- Includes host software for MS Windows; version
for Android planned for future
- Conformal coating for protection
- 4-layer PCB for better EMI immunity
- Built-in USB port uses any standard USB Micro-B
cable to communicate to erase, arm, download,
update, etc.
- USB port has extra ESD protection to enhance
- Separate USB communication module not required
- (Model name, specifications, and prices are
only preliminary and subject to change)
- (Not yet available for sale --
refer to notes.)