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The FLEXI PLUS 6809 single board computer was a product of The Computerist in Chelmsford MA.
The FLEXI PLUS featured:
The FLEXI PLUS main board could be expanded with VIDEO PLUS, DRAM PLUS, and PROTO PLUS boards, or it could be used without the 6809E microprocessor as an expansion board for most 6502, 6800, or 6809 systems. Refer to the FLEXI PLUS announcement on page 29 (pdf p.31) and advertisement on page 113 (pdf p.117) of the July 1981 issue of "MICRO - The 6502/6809 Journal".
The FLEXI PLUS was also used as the basis for a complete computer system, the U$3495 Focus. Refer to the full page advertisement on page 36 (pdf p.38) of the December 1981 issue of MICRO. The price had gone up to $3995 in the ad on page 121 (pdf p.125) of the July 1983 issue.
I am in contact with someone who has owned a FLEXI PLUS since the 1980's, and is in the process of restoring it. I hope to post pictures of his system soon. He ran the FLEX operating system on it, but is planning to also port NitrOS-9/6809 Level 1 to it.
"FLEX" was a trademark of Technical System Consultants (TSC).
"OS-9" is a registered trademark of Microware LP.
Last revised 2024-Apr-04 12:43 PDT.
Copyright 2020- David C. Wiens.