GLDCW - General Ledger accounting program

(This page is still under construction.)

The GLDCW package implements a simple but powerful double-entry General Ledger bookkeeping system to run under MS-DOS (or NTVDM in Windows, or an MS-DOS emulator such as DOSBox-X or vDos).

GLDCW features:

I originally wrote GLDCW in April 1993, and revised it April 1996. It was developed using QuickBASIC Extended - Microsoft BASIC Professional Development System 7.0 (aka QBX or PDS 7.0), but the April 1996 GLDCW.BAS file will also run under QBASIC. In February 2021 I started updating the program, doing a major cleanup and adding a few enhancements, this time using PDS 7.1, but haven't finished it yet. I am still using the 1996 version of this program to do all my personal bookkeeping, and plan to keep using it (or the updated version if and when it is ready) until I die!

This is the second accounting program I have written. The first one was IMS-GL, which I created several years earlier to accomodate the needs of my manufacturing and mailorder business, Sardis Technologies. It could handle parts inventories and parts assemblies, which no low-cost off-the-shelf programs supported properly at the time. It ran on the OS-9/6809 operating system.

icon to link to DSK image file for GLDCW source code and binary -- not available yet GLDCW executable, source code, sample data files.
(not available yet)
(??KB .zip)

"MS-DOS" and "Windows" are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp.
"OS-9" is a registered trademark of Microware LP.

Last revised 2024-Apr-04 13:13 PDT.
Copyright 2021- David C. Wiens.

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