Clearbrook Software Group created and sold a number of very useful software packages. They were based in Abbotsford BC Canada, and Paul Kehler was their president and chief programmer.
Software packages:
If anyone finds any manuals or disks for BT9, DEdit, Disk Utilities Package, Erina, or Serina, please let me know.
In the disk image for Erina I found the string "Copyright (C)1981,1985 by SEIKOU". It's likely that both Erina and Serina were developed by Seikou in Japan, and that Clearbrook Software Group was merely a reseller for them. Interestingly, the EXCEL-9 6809 plug-in card for the Apple II was made by SEIKOU in 1981. And I found information (p.7) that in 1989 Microware purchased Seikou Denshi, a software company based in Tokyo that specialized in developing and marketing application software for OS-9. These probably all refer to the same company.
"OS-9" is a registered trademark of Microware LP.
"Radio Shack" and "Color Computer" are trademarks of Tandy Corp.
"CSG IMS" was a trademark of Clearbrook Software Group Inc.
"MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp.
Last revised 2024-Apr-04 13:21 PDT.
Copyright 2020- David C. Wiens.