Clearbrook Software Group - MSF File Manager

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The Clearbrook Software Group MS-DOS File Manager (CSG MSF) is a file manager for OS-9/6809 Level II that allows directly reading from, writing to, and formatting MS-DOS format floppy disks.

CSG MSF features:

I know I had a paper copy of the user/reference manual for MSF, but haven't found it yet. Fortunately L. Curtis Boyle found his copy and scanned it for me and made it searchable.

icon to link to advertisement for CSG MSF Advertisement in '68' Micro Journal for CSG MSF.
icon to link to CSG MSF Manual CSG MSF Manual, Release A, August 1987
for OS-9/6809 Level 2 for CoCo 3.
(4MB .pdf, 19 pages, scanned, searchable)
icon to link to ZIP file containing DSK images of CSG MSF Two DSK images (35T/SS/DD CoCo OS-9 format)
of CSG MSF for OS-9 Level 2 for CoCo 3.
(54KB .zip)

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Last revised 2024-Apr-04 13:22 PDT.
Copyright 2020- David C. Wiens.

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