Clearbrook Software Group - IMS Database

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The Clearbrook Software Group Information Management System (CSG IMS) is a relational database manager for OS-9 (6809 and 68000) that includes a structured applications language.

CSG IMS features:

I found two reviews of IMS. The April 30, 1991 (2.1MB .pdf) issue of the OS-9 Newsletter from the Bellingham OS9 Users Group featured a comparative review of 10 databases for OS-9 on pages 2-4. An in-depth review of IMS appeared on pages 36-39 in the September 1986 issue of '68' Micro Journal. The availability of IMS Version 1.3 and the OS-9/68000 version is mentioned on page 44 of that same issue. Clearbrook Software Group even had plans to implement IMS for MS-DOS, the Atari ST, and the Amiga. I don't know whether those plans ever came to fruition, or not.

A floppy disk in my collection says it contains the Version 2.1 update (with some files dated 1988-Oct-31 and 1988-Nov-17), which is the most recent version of CSG IMS that I have found so far -- refer to disk images below. I don't know what changes were made to IMS between v1.3 and v2.1. There may have been other versions released in the following 4 or 5 years, as I found a forum message dated March 1993 mentioning a new version (at least for the 68000) that would be out soon. If anyone finds a newer version of IMS for OS-9/6809, or any version of IMS for OS-9/68000, please let me know.

I used CSG IMS to build a custom accounting package for General Ledger and Inventory (including parts assemblies) for my Sardis Technologies manufacturing and mail-order business.

Paul Kehler, who was president of Clearbrook Software Group Inc., gave me permission via e-mail on 2022-Jun-08 to post the manuals and software, saying he "releases all claims to them".

I am currently creating a document with additional supplementary information.

In the future I hope to create a Ready To Run (RTR) bootable disk image for the CoCo 3, along with step-by-step instructions on how to get started.

(Click on a picture for a larger version.)

icon to link to advertisement for CSG IMS
Advertisement for CSG IMS (79KB .png).

icon to link to CSG IMS Tutorial and Reference Manual CSG IMS Tutorial and Reference Manual, Release B, January 1, 1986 (Version 1.0) for OS-9/6809.
(7MB .pdf 368 pages)
icon to link to CSG IMS Supplement for version 1.3 CSG IMS Supplementary Documentation, Release A, for Version 1.3 for OS-9/6809.
(1.8MB .pdf 50 pages)
icon to link to CSG IMS Supplement Part 2 CSG IMS Supplementary Documentation - Part 2.
(not available yet)
(???KB .pdf)
icon to link to ZIP file containing DSK images of CSG IMS v1.3 for CoCo Two DSK images (35T/SS/DD CoCo OS-9 format)
of CSG IMS v1.3 for CoCo.
(116KB .zip)
icon to link to ZIP file containing DSK images of CSG IMS v2.1 Level 1 for CoCo Two DSK images (35T/SS/DD CoCo OS-9 format)
of CSG IMS v2.1 Level 1 for CoCo.
(111KB .zip)

"OS-9" is a registered trademark of Microware LP.
"Radio Shack" and "Color Computer" are trademarks of Tandy Corp.
"CSG IMS" was a trademark of Clearbrook Software Group Inc.
"MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp.

Last revised 2024-Apr-28 23:18 PDT.
Copyright 2020- David C. Wiens.

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