Sardis Technologies products for the Radio Shack Color Computer (CoCo)

Several products were developed for the CoCo:

icon to link to DMC page The "No Halt" Dual Mode Controller (DMC) is an enhanced floppy disk controller cartridge for CoCo 1/2/3, that lets OS-9 run the way it was supposed to.
icon to link to KwikGen page The KwikGen OS-9 Boot File Editor provides for an easier, faster way to modify OS-9 or NitrOS-9 Level 1 or Level 2 OS9Boot files than using OS9Gen or Cobbler. (Versions for non-CoCo OS-9/NitrOS-9 computers also available.)
icon to link to OF-Link page OF-Link allows running one or more instances of the FLEX operating system under OS-9 Level II on the CoCo 3. The SDisk3 driver makes it possible for OF-Link to also read and write physical FLEX disks.

"FLEX" was a trademark of Technical System Consultants (TSC).
"OS-9" is a registered trademark of Microware LP.
"Radio Shack" and "Color Computer" are trademarks of Tandy Corp.

Last revised 2024-Apr-04 13:28 PDT.
Copyright 2018- David C. Wiens.

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